Unfortunately ... sometimes cheating is not an option but a ... must … written by the romanian writter Adrian Gabriel Dumitru

Unfortunately ... sometimes cheating is not an option but a ... must … written by the romanian writter Adrian Gabriel Dumitru

Blog Article

Someone told me this ugly theory ... about 25 years ago ... and i totally disliked it.

I was actually so annoyed of it ... that i started to hate my friend from that time for his words.

Later on ... i realized i was too dogmatic, but also too idealistic at that age ... when i was just a silly teenager. 

And ... even if i continued to be an idealistic person ... seeing over the years so many people cheating ... i realized that the things are different than what i thought.

First of all i was asking myself why it happens as those people to cheat ... but the real answer came to me when i cheated ... but also was cheated.

The experience itself revealed very clear to me what was going on ... without being needed anymore to ask or to study someone else.

I suddenly realized that the human being that is doing that ... is not feeling anymore ... that is getting what wants from the relationship is involved in.


And as the relationship to survive ... the medicine becomes the act of ... cheating.

Sounds even as a silly paradox, but that person that we dogmatically define as dishonest ... dominated by evil forces etc etc is simple not feeling alive anymore .... and all that wants is simple ... to survive till the moment when the old relationship will be somehow reborned.

The problem is that the magic is not appearing anymore ... or if it appears is appearing only on the other side of the story .... and we suddenly fall in love with the other person.

We cheat ... to survive in an old relationship that we don’t like anymore by such a long time ... but it might happen even to become happy again ... simple by feeling amazing emotions with the new person.

We start to even wonder why we haven’t done this long time before ... but too many people around ... judge us in such a disgusting way.

We forgot about dogmatism ... but we become dogmatic again .... just by caring about what they think.

But all those people that defined the people that practice the cheating ... never thought ... not even for a second ... that actually cheating was not an option ... but a must ... just to feel alive one more time.

Most probably ... we will never understand the evil side of the human being unless we ... experience it.


Download the book ”My relationship with the devil redefined my life” written by the romanian author Adrian Dumitru for FREE.


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